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Meta Analysis of Relative Contribution of Leadership Styles to Followers' Mental Health - Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies

A meta-analysis study that compares the strength of the relationships between leadership styles and followers’ overall mental health.

The Best Way to Boost Workers’ Mental Health Is to Give Them Good Managers - Scientific American

To improve workers’ health, companies need to support “transformational” leaders and weed out “destructive” actors, not just tout wellness programs.

Workforce Planning Tools: Frameworks That Enhance Workforce Well-Being and Retention


An ASTHO blog that discusses workforce frameworks to inspire and sustain well-being with evidence-based guidance, policies, and structures.

Recommended Resources to Advance Employee Mental Health & Well-Being in Public Health Agencies - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Extensive list of resources for potential adaptation and use by public health entities to advance employee mental health and well-being.

Symptoms of Depression, Anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicidal Ideation Among State, Tribal, Local, and Territorial Public Health Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic - CDC MMWR

An article with statistical analysis addressing survey responses on mental health among public health workers. Originally posted as a CDC MMWR.