Social Connection — Current Priorities of the U.S. Surgeon General
To combat the epidemic of loneliness, see Ch. 4 for social connection framework ideas for state, territorial, and local public health agencies.
To combat the epidemic of loneliness, see Ch. 4 for social connection framework ideas for state, territorial, and local public health agencies.
The National Framework for Addressing Burnout and Moral Injury in the Health and Public Safety Workforce from the HRSA.
Harvard Business School professor Amy Edmondson, speaks to her coined phrase “team psychological safety.”
This toolkit from the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice was designed to support in advocating for trauma-informed workplaces.
An ASTHO blog that discusses workforce frameworks to inspire and sustain well-being with evidence-based guidance, policies, and structures.
This Workplace Mental Health Playbook goes in-depth on investing in mental health at work by giving guidance on addressing workplace culture.
This blog highlights the importance of workplace wellness committees, and outlines best practices for developing one.
Extensive list of resources for potential adaptation and use by public health entities to advance employee mental health and well-being.
The Total Worker Health approach seeks to improve the well-being of the U.S. workforce by protecting safety, health, and productivity.
Use this PHAB downloadable workforce plan template to help plan your workforce strategy.
This framework from the US Surgeon General lays out a framework of 5 essentials for workplace wellbeing, centered on worker’s voice & equity.
This report provides info/resources relevant to hiring, onboarding, training, turnover, wellbeing, & engagement in public health agencies.
Smart Tribes Institute outlines five tools for increasing diversity, creativity, and innovation through recruitment and retention practices.
This toolkit from NACCHO serves as a framework for building an equitable workplace at the local public health department level.
This framework outlines five core DEI-related technical and personal competencies recommended by the Extension Foundation.
An article from SHRM with ideas and strategies on wellbeing and social connection approaches for remote and hybrid workers.
Public Health Forward recognizes that the modern public health workforce needs specific abilities to advance health equity.
From the National Institutes of Health, this report discusses behavioral and social considerations relate to hybrid work environments.
The Total Worker Health® model aims to improve the well-being of the workforce by protecting & enhancing their health & productivity.
A collection of resources from the Region 2 Public Health Training Center provides tools on recruiting/ retaining the public health workforce.