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When the Power Fails: Helping Life-Support Equipment Users


People who use electricity-dependent durable medical equipment (DME) at home—such as ventilators and oxygen concentrators—can face life-threatening consequences during a power outage. HHS reports that 2.7 million Medicare beneficiaries ...

Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines


Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines astho, association of state and territorial health officials, association of state and territorial health officials astho, state health official, public health ...

A Public Health Milestone: COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A With Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security


A discussion with Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security, about how the first shipments of the COVID-19 vaccinations have been a major turning point for the pandemic and a milestone moment for U.S. public health ...

Improving Youth Behavioral Health Through School-Based Strategies


This infographic highlights 10 high-level strategies to advance work in school behavioral health.

Building a More Equitable Economy Post-Pandemic


Economic security and well-being, job stability, access to safe and affordable housing, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and access to resources to manage mental and physical health—all of these things impact individual, family, and ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

Increasing Access to Contraception: Infographic Series

This four-part infographic series illustrates key strategies for addressing common challenges and barriers related to increasing access to contraception.

7 Things to Know About Recent Federal Actions and Opportunities to Improve Maternal Health


While the Biden Administration and Congress have no shortage of immediate health issues to focus on, improving maternal health outcomes—particularly Black maternal morbidity and mortality—have become a priority for federal lawmakers. To ...

University of Washington’s PEARLS Model Reduces Depression Among Older Adults


Lesley Steinman and Mark Snowden of the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center discuss the PEARLS program and how it is being used to confront the stigma associated with depression and mental health.

Stronger Together: Six Strategies to Enhance Your State’s Suicide Prevention Infrastructure


May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the importance of continued mental health promotion and suicide prevention efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. As we address the physical effects of COVID-19 through social distancing, mask ...

Transformational Leadership: A Vaccine for Rural Healthcare Delivery


During the early spread of COVID-19, the National Rural Health Association senior vice president Brock Slabach stated: “Before the pandemic, rural hospitals were struggling for survival. COVID-19 has put a spotlight on the fractures that ...

A World AIDS Day Unlike Any Other: Resiliency During the COVID-19 Pandemic


With the COVID-19 pandemic in full force, health agencies are ensuring that their focus does not drift from the fight to end the HIV epidemic. Resiliency is key to continue to make progress in this decades-long fight.

A Wondrous World: A Week of Unity, Reflection and Renewal


This week has been both exhilarating and poignant. Almost surreal. We started the week by pausing to celebrate and reflect on the life and legacy of one of America’s greatest sons, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. On Tuesday, ASTHO participated ...

Taking the Smoke Out of COVID-19


While COVID-19 remains a top public health priority, the pandemic has also intensified the need for strong tobacco control policies and marketing campaigns. CDC recognizes current or former tobacco users as one of several groups at higher ...

Examining the Americans With Disabilities Act in Emergency Responses


On Dec. 3, the International Day of People with Disabilities commemorates disability rights and brings awareness to essential issues for those with disabilities by promoting the “well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of ...

States Take Action to Expand Access to PrEP Through Telehealth


State and local jurisdictions are developing Ending the HOV Epidemic plans. The EHE initiative has largely focused on four key strategies: Diagnose, Treat, Prevent, and Respond to potential outbreaks. The EHE initiative set a goal to ...

What Gets Measured Gets Done: Using Data to Improve Child Health and Well-Being


The adage “what gets measured, gets done” has had staying power for a reason. When we can accurately describe conditions, quantify impact, and elucidate connections, we have a better chance at taking collective (and effective) action to ...