On Aug. 3, 2022, ASTHO and the de Beaumont Foundation announced the 2021 PH WINS findings. They provide a unique snapshot of the state and local government public health workforce.
Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is concerned about the latest ...
State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects ARLINGTON, VA—In response to a new CDC report on the impact the Zika virus may have ...
ASTHO Statement on Rise in National Sexually Transmitted Disease Rates ARLINGTON, VA—Michael Fraser, CEO of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), issued the following statement in response to new preliminary ...
Health Officials Respond to Alarming Increases in Congenital Syphilis ARLINGTON, VA—Newborn syphilis cases have more than doubled in the last 4 years, and last year, the United States saw the most cases of congenital syphilis since 1997, ...