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Community Health Workers and the Heart of Public Health


Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...

From the Chief Medical Officer: Leadership Considerations for Long COVID


Public health officials have a significant opportunity to provide leadership on the issue of Long COVID, through their own authorities, and by capitalizing on their influence in the public health and healthcare sectors.

Public Health Thank You Day: Thoughts From ASTHO Leadership


Every year on Nov. 22, ASTHO—and countless other agencies and organizations worldwide—take a moment to acknowledge the public health workforce on Public Health Thank You Day. Like so many other days of recognition, it has become a blip on ...

Taking the Smoke Out of COVID-19


While COVID-19 remains a top public health priority, the pandemic has also intensified the need for strong tobacco control policies and marketing campaigns. CDC recognizes current or former tobacco users as one of several groups at higher ...

The Light at the End of the (Long) Tunnel


As public health officials lead the pandemic response, clear direction-setting in every state and territories is vital to assure our planning and implementation is fair and focused on those most at need. These are not entirely ...