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The Youth Mental Health Crisis: States Invest in Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention Strategies


Following disruptions to daily life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, emergency departments saw an increase of mental health-related visits. A June 2021 study showed a significant increase of mental health-related visits among ...

In Case You Missed It: 10 Headlines from ASTHO’s Public Health TechXpo


A quick rundown of sessions and speakers at the 2022 ASTHO Public Health TechXpo.

Public Health Highlights of President’s FY22 Budget Proposal


In May 2021, President Biden released full details of the fiscal year 2022 budget. Overall, the budget request combines President Biden's American Jobs Plan, his American Families Plan, and funding priorities for the Pentagon and ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Health Equity and Rural Health


ASTHO has identified health equity and rural health as issues that policymakers across the country will consider in 2022.

Proposed Vaccination Laws to Watch in the New Year


Vaccines are one of the greatest public health achievements of the last century, as well as some of the most powerful and cost-effective tools to prevent disease, disparities, disability, and death among children and adults. The COVID-19 ...

Jurisdictions Using Policy to Address Unique Island Area Health Challenges


ASTHO has several members from the territories and Freely Associated States—jurisdictions with unique challenges, and do not fall under the category of a state or federal district. This post is a brief look at some of the public health ...

From the Chief Medical Officer: What Needs to Change to Achieve Better Health Equity Metrics


We can prepare for the future of health equity and data by ensuring the equitable collection of data and building systems that are flexible enough to account for forward progress.

The Seven Biggest Public Health Policy Issues on the Hill in 2020


As a truly historic year comes to an end, many public health policy issues received a considerable amount of attention in 2020. Subjects such as the pandemic that will live on in infamy, racial health disparities, and the future of the ...

Health Service Utilization Patterns Among Medicaid Enrollees With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Pandemic Response and Recovery Efforts

This article in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice assesses the impact of COVID-19 on health service utilization of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through an analysis of Medicaid claims data..