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State Public Health Leaders Urged to Increase Efforts to Prevent Injuries


State Public Health Leaders Urged to Increase Efforts to Prevent Injuries ARLINGTON, VA—State public health leaders responded to a new “The State of Safety” report released by the National Safety Council today showing that every state has ...

State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects


State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects ARLINGTON, VA—In response to a new CDC report on the impact the Zika virus may have ...

Top Nine Public Health Highlights of 2019


ASTHO CEO Michael Fraser looks back on nine of the top public health highlights in 2019.

ASTHO Releases Five Health Policy Statements


On October 31, 2023 ASTHO announced the approval of one new and four updated health policy statements.