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Domestic Holiday Travel Pandemic Restrictions and Recommendations


The 2020 holiday season is coinciding with a nationwide surge of COVID-19 cases. With great concern that holiday travel to see loved ones may exacerbate community spread of the virus, many states are increasing public health measures ...

Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines


Partnering with Community Action Agencies Can Improve Trust in Vaccines astho, association of state and territorial health officials, association of state and territorial health officials astho, state health official, public health ...

The State of STDs


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are at a record high in the United States. In this episode, we hear state and national perspectives from leaders in the fight against STDs, discussing the resurgence and health impacts of STDs, proven ...

ASTHO Helping Agencies and Providers Advance Vaccine Equity


ASTHO Helping Agencies and Providers Advance Vaccine Equity vaccine equity toolkit, community-based vaccine outreach, public health vaccine partnerships, increasing vaccine confidence, vaccine equity strategies, vaccination rates, ...

Addressing the Impact of Rural Hospital Closures on Maternal and Infant Health


Rural hospital closures exacerbate poor socioeconomic conditions, job loss, cost of health services, transportation times and barriers, and inequitable access to quality care, all of which contribute to unfavorable maternal and infant ...

Expanding Pharmacist-Prescribed HIV PrEP


PrEP is a powerful tool to reduce new HIV infections; expanding access to PrEP is a priority within the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative. One way to increase access to PrEP is by allowing pharmacists to prescribe and ...

COVID-19 and Beyond: Improving Youth Mental Health Outcomes and Disparities


The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted both the physical and mental health well-being of youth. Disruptions in both their home and school life have put youth at risk for poor mental health outcomes that include increased anxiety, depression, ...

States Consider Role of COVID-19 Vaccination for School Enrollment


This week might have marked the beginning of summer, but many policymakers and health officials have their eye on the upcoming school year and what that might mean in terms of getting students vaccinated against COVID-19. According to a ...

Courts Considering Challenges to States Blocking School Mask Requirements


Recent state laws and governor emergency orders prohibiting universal school mask protocols are complicating the implementation of CDC’s evidence-based guidance for COVID-19 mitigation measures for in-person school. Ten states have enacted ...

Public Health and Healthcare Partner to Promote Influenza Vaccination


In commemoration of National Influenza Vaccination Week ASTHO is highlighting work in Arkansas and South Carolina, where unique collaborations with healthcare and public health have allowed them to effectively promote flu vaccinations ...

A Conversation With José Romero to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month


Hispanic Heritage Month takes place annually from September 15-October 15 to celebrate the history, culture, achievements, and influence of the Hispanic and Latinx community in the U.S. In recognition of this month, ASTHO interviewed one ...

Ending the HIV Epidemic Through Community Engagement


Community engagement is essential in the fight to end the HIV epidemic. By prioritizing a health equity lens, those battling HIV can be better heard and involved in improving their health.