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Increasing Access to Doulas will Ease the Maternal Health Crisis


State and federal actions to expand the doula workforce and improve maternal health.

Health Agencies Keeping Cottage Foods Safe


Health Agencies Keeping Cottage Foods Safe Heather Tomlinson Rows of homemade jams at the local farmer’s market and a neighbor’s birthday cake on social media have something in common: they are both cottage (or homestead) food products. ...

State Legislation to Declare Racism a Public Health Crisis and Address Institutional Racism


The movement to address racism through policy change in the U.S. is receiving significant political support at every level of government. Government institutions are acknowledging the systemic oppression of people of color that persists in ...

Getting Creative to Keep Americans Fed During COVID-19


The COVID-19 pandemic has exasperated challenges around access to nutritious and affordable foods. In response, the federal government has taken action to increase funding and access to programs to strengthen food security.

Improving Access to Oral Healthcare: A Snapshot of State Initiatives


For many Americans, access to dental care remains out of reach, but there are a number of states pursuing strategies to improve access and oral health outcomes, such as primary care and dental care integration, workforce innovations, and ...

Policy Considerations for Reducing Congenital Syphilis


This report focuses on promising strategies in four different policy areas to address rising congenital syphilis rates. While no single policy solution will address the structural challenges to diagnosing and treating syphilis among people ...

Health Equity Policy Resource


This toolkit is designed to support public health leaders in leveraging the policy development process to achieve health equity in their jurisdiction.

Preparedness Policy Highlights for Trending Public Health Threats


While communities transition from emergency response to long-term monitoring and recovery, the federal government and states are taking legislative action to improve emergency preparedness capabilities.

State and Territorial Policies to Strengthen the Public Health and Healthcare Workforce


Accompanying an infusion of federal funding, states are considering several policy changes to strengthen the public health workforce and address challenges within the health care workforce.

Policies that Reduce Stigma are Critical to Ending the HIV Epidemic


Supporting policies that reduce HIV stigma and promote health equity is an important public health issue.

States Using Policy to Reduce Dementia’s Disease and Fiscal Impact


Public health agencies are working to reduce dementia risk and to optimize the health and well-being of people living with dementia and their caregivers.

Addressing Privacy Concerns of Using Mental Healthcare via Telehealth


In an effort to help meet demand, some states and territories have joined interjurisdictional licensing compacts that allow a mental healthcare provider licensed in one state to provide care in another state—without needing to gain ...

State Policies Aim to Eliminate Food Deserts


State Policies Aim to Eliminate Food Deserts Beth Giambrone Learn how states are working to improve access to healthy foods and eliminate food deserts in this Health Policy Update. The environment where we live, work, and play can shape ...

ASTHO's 2024 Legislative Session Update: Part Two


ASTHO's 2024 Legislative Session Update: Part Two Beth Giambrone, Maggie Davis, Christina Severin ASTHO's Public Health Legislative Update on Tobacco, Mental Health, Environmental Health, Workforce, and Containing Infectious ...