President Biden Releases FY24 Budget Proposal On March 9, the White House released President Biden’s FY24 budget proposal, which outlines the Administration’s funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year. As a reminder, Congress has the ...
On April 4, 2022, the U.S. Senate indicated that they have reached an agreement on a $10 billion bipartisan emergency supplemental funding bill for the federal COVID-19 response.
On March 23, 2023, ASTHO President Anne Zink testified before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies regarding sustainable and flexible public health funding.
As we celebrate National Rural Health Day this year, we are reminded of how important telehealth can be for public health and healthcare. Telehealth can minimize challenges faced by rural patients and communities—such as transportation, ...
After years of advocacy, ASTHO and our partners are celebrating the recently signed Consolidated Appropriations Act.
The opioid crisis continues to claim the lives of thousands across the United States and has cost the economy billions in health care, mortality, and criminal justice costs. In 2018, it’s estimated that 67,367 people died of overdose, with ...
As the Delta variant spreads across the country and increases the number of COVID-19 cases, the strain it is placing on the nation’s health system continues to grow. The surge of COVID-19 patients is contributing to a shortage of the ...
To address the youth tobacco epidemic, jurisdictions filed lawsuits against JUUL to end their marketing practices aimed at youth and to obtain compensation from the financial toll experienced by communities.
Looking ahead to FY 25 public health appropriations.
As a truly historic year comes to an end, many public health policy issues received a considerable amount of attention in 2020. Subjects such as the pandemic that will live on in infamy, racial health disparities, and the future of the ...
Sustaining DMI: Medicaid Advanced Planning Document Process How state Medicaid agencies can request enhanced federal funding for Medicaid Enterprise Systems and related activities. Why is the Advanced Planning Document process important? ...
The White House released President Biden's FY25 budget proposal, outlining the administration's funding priorities for the upcoming fiscal year.
On November 14, 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives approved a two-tiered short-term continuing resolution to keep the government open and avoid a shutdown later in the month.
On Oct. 26, 2023, House Speaker Johnson shared a letter to his colleagues laying out a tentative schedule for federal funding.
Public Health Implications of Debt Limit Increase astho, association of state and territorial health officials, debt ceiling, legislative alert, debt limit increase, debt limit, public health, covid funding, federal spending, president joe ...
Midterm Elections: Predictions on Congressional Priorities for Upcoming Session astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, opioid crisis, congressional priorities, sequestration cuts, healthy future task ...
On this episode, we examine opportunities for bipartisanship and forecast what the public health landscape may look like in the wake of the 2018 midterm elections.