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Updated Rundown of State and Territorial COVID-19 Mask Requirements


Several states and territories, as well as many local governments, are going beyond recommendations and requiring individuals to wear face coverings when they are in public settings and spaces (i.e. grocery stores, retail stores, ...

Public Health Policy Issues to Watch in 2021


With many of the state and territorial legislatures reconvening over the next few weeks, we can look forward to new (and not-so-new) legislation start to crop up that will impact public health. To help navigate the new legislative ...

From Contact Tracing to Case Investigation to Exposure Notification: New Issue Guide Provides Insight into How Technologies May Assist and Still Need to be Tested in COVID-19 Response


On July 16, 2020, ASTHO announced the release of a COVID-19 issue guide that delves into the evolving role and function of technology in this pandemic response. Particularly as it relates to contact tracing, case investigation, and use of ...

Collectively Supporting Behavioral Health of People Living With Disabilities During COVID

Pennsylvania introduced innovative processes to help individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities access COVID-19 vaccines and other critical care.

Disability and Crisis Standards of Care in the Age of COVID-19

With Omicron surges pushing jurisdictions to activate protocols for providing healthcare during crisis, it is important to incorporate disability inclusion into these crisis standards of care.

The Next Surge REVISITED: The Behavioral Health Crisis Following COVID-19

This conversation was recorded in May 2020, but felt the lessons and takeaways are still very relevant as we are finally starting to emerge from the COVID-19 pandemic. The rates of depression, suicide, and substance use are expected to ...

Building Community Resilience to Help Families Bounce Forward

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected children’s and families’ social, emotional, and mental well-being, and demand for social services has increased due to COVID-19-related and economic factors. The speakers on this episode explain how ...

The Health Equity Divide: Chronic Disease and COVID-19

People with chronic diseases have suffered the most during the pandemic both in rates of COVID-19 mortality and morbidity, and the health disparities that exist in those with chronic disease and poor social determinants of health are ...

Getting Shots Into Arms: The Race to Vaccinate Against COVID-19

Our experts on this episode also discuss that while there have been perceived challenges in the initial COVID-19 vaccine rollout, the overall effort of getting vaccines into the arms of a virus that barely existed one year ago is nothing ...