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Ending the HIV Epidemic: 40 Years of Progress


This June marked the 40-year anniversary of the first five cases of what later became known as AIDS reported in CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Since then, more than 32 million people have died from the disease worldwide and ...

States Seek to Protect the Workers Who Feed America


Responsible for planting, growing, harvesting, processing, and preparing the food we eat, agricultural workers are essential workers during the COVID-19 response to keep the U.S. food supply chain operating efficiently. But farmworkers are ...

Health in the 2020 Political Party Platforms


In anticipation of the upcoming presidential election in November, the Republican and Democratic National Committees released their platforms. These platforms provide an overview of values, policies, positions, and principles on various ...

2021 CEO Look Ahead: What is Our Next Normal?


I think we all welcomed 2021 with open arms as we look to put the worst of 2020 behind us. We have all been through a lot—we have lost family members and friends to COVID-19, we have seen public health officials harassed and maligned, we ...

How Pennsylvania Health Department’s Cross-Sector Partnerships Are Strengthening Climate and Environmental Justice

How Pennsylvania Health Department’s Cross-Sector Partnerships Are Strengthening Climate and Environmental Justice health department, pennsylvania department of health, climate change, low income neighborhoods, heart disease, mental ...

Public Health Full-Court(s) Press


Public Health Full-Court(s) Press Court Cases That Impact Public Health Policy and Practice Christina Severin Court cases can impact public health policy and practice. Learn about recent relevant cases from the Supreme Court, lower federal ...

Public Health Highlights of President’s FY22 Budget Proposal


In May 2021, President Biden released full details of the fiscal year 2022 budget. Overall, the budget request combines President Biden's American Jobs Plan, his American Families Plan, and funding priorities for the Pentagon and ...

The Impact of Broadband Redlining on Health Equity


Access to quality internet may not be the first thing you think of when you think about health equity, but it is something that impacts many communities. In this interview, ASTHO chats with Craig Settles on ‘broadband redlining’, how ...

How States are Using Policy to Reduce Maternal Mortality and Morbidity


Approximately 700 women die annually in the U.S. between 2007-2016 as a result of pregnancy or its complications, according to CDC data. This is one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the developed world. On top of that, there are ...

Financing Community Health Workers Through Medicaid


As the nation grapples with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, community health workers are being recognized for the role they play in improving health outcomes of our most vulnerable communities. In fact, the recently enacted American Rescue ...

Promoting Health Equity Through State Orders for COVID-19 Testing


In order to contain and mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic, widespread, rapid testing is key. Rampant and efficient testing determines who has the virus and who may be at risk of transmitting it, and allows for effective management of ...

Rebuilding a More Equitable Housing System Post-COVID


Well before COVID-19 hit, an increasing share of American households faced housing challenges. This is a public health concern because stable, affordable, and accessible housing has a direct and well-documented impact on physical and ...

More States Consider Restricting Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products


A pressing public health issue before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the need for public health interventions to reduce tobacco use is heightened with a strong association between tobacco use, in all forms, with severe COVID-19 outcomes. ...

How States Are Housing the Homeless During a Pandemic


Policymakers seek to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by focusing on non-congregate sheltering and alternative housing for unhoused populations.

Rhode Island Coordinates Statewide Efforts to Address Lead Exposure in Maternal and Child Health Populations


The Rhode Island Department of Health is working with primary care providers in the state to provide services and implement prevention measures that will eliminate lead poisoning and increase screening rates.

The Need for Modernizing Public Health Data in Responding to COVID-19


Public health data collection and surveillance systems by health departments are in dire need of modernization. Though the public health community began developing a path to modernization over the last decade, attention to this issue from ...