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Promoting Well-Being and Reducing Risk Post-COVID-19


This episode explains what the Shared Risk and Protective Factors framework is, and how states and territories can collaborate with a broader range of partners to implement research-based programs, policies, practices, and strategies that ...

A Blueprint for Establishing a Health Equity or Minority Health Office

A Blueprint for Establishing a Health Equity or Minority Health Office 30:38 minutes Learn how to form and manage an office of health equity or minority health, based on several firsthand experiences. Listen to the podcast episode now. ...

Communicating During an Emergency: Cyanotoxin Lessons From Oregon


This episode will focus on lessons learned from Oregon Health Authority’s cyanotoxin education and outreach efforts, and how a water contamination emergency caused by cyanotoxins can quickly become a public information emergency. Three ...

ASTHO President Nirav D. Shah Looks Ahead to 2022


Amid so much uncertainty, it might feel naïve to make any claims about what the future holds. But it is in these moments that it becomes more important than ever to have beacons to guide us and give us hope. As we look ahead to 2022, ...

Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs


Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs ARLINGTON, VA—John Wiesman, DrPH, MPH, secretary of health at the Washington State Department of Health and immediate past ...

Healthy People 2030: A National Blueprint for Health Improvement

Healthy People 2030 charts the course for public health over the next decade. In this episode, public health leaders share their perspectives about where state and territorial health agencies intersect with Healthy People 2030 and why it ...

Restoring Trust and Confidence in Public Health


As COVID-19 spread across the country, misinformation and conspiracy theories led to beliefs that the virus was a hoax and prevention measures were unnecessary. Efforts to limit public health authority resulted in reduced confidence from ...