As in any sector, there is often talk in the public health field of “working upstream,” or addressing problems at their source. If public health is going to be a changemaker in the world, its leaders must be equal parts nimble and ...
Continuing ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus series—which highlights the top 10 public health policy issues for 2022—we are focusing this week on mental and behavioral health as well as supporting the public health workforce.
Amber Williams highlights three key insights about the governmental public health workforce identified in the PH WINS 2017 data.
When rural hospitals close, it increases the distance people must travel for essential healthcare services. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted and magnified the factors leading to rural hospital closures across the country. Many ...
In May 2021, President Biden released full details of the fiscal year 2022 budget. Overall, the budget request combines President Biden's American Jobs Plan, his American Families Plan, and funding priorities for the Pentagon and ...
As the U.S. continues to undertake the largest vaccination campaign in almost a century, it has required government at all levels to surge workforce capacity. The federal government, states, territories, and local jurisdictions are acting ...
Best Practices to Leverage Partnerships to Support Health Equity: An Implementation Cheat Sheet This resource provides guidance for forging strong partnerships between public health agencies and the private sector, and illustrates the ...
Healthy People Coordinator Description Template This template was designed to help health agencies craft job descriptions for staff that can effectively incorporate Healthy People 2030 frameworks into public health initiatives. Healthy ...
In-depth analysis on state health policy surrounding the public health workforce. This is part of ASTHO's annual legislative prospectus series.
What better way to start the new year than with a new strategic plan! ASTHO’s Board of Directors approved the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan and launched it on Jan. 3, 2022, with a new set of priorities that reflect our ever-changing world and ...
ASTHO's mission is to support, equip, and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being. To that end, here are the 12 most popular resources our members, partners, ...
What We Learned at the Public Health TechXpo and Futures Forum ASTHO | Our staff's top takeaways from the TechXpo. astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health techxpo and futures forum, public health ...
One of President Biden’s first actions just before being sworn into office was to draft up the American Rescue Plan, a sweeping proposal that ASTHO has committed to working with the Biden Administration on. The proposal offers a national ...
Organizational Strategic Planning Guide This organizational strategic planning guide, which details seven phases, can help health agencies create or refine strategic plans that are responsive to evolving needs. This guide provides health ...
Centralizing Administrative Functions, with Lessons Learned from Guam Megan Drake-Pereyra Centralizing administrative functions, such as procurement or grants management, is a strategy many organizations utilize. Having administrative ...
Workplace connections boost employee well-being, reduce burnout, and improve feelings of belonging.
This blog post highlights strategies to support the public health workforce, including improved compensation and other benefits.
Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures continue the inequitable distribution of all ...