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ASTHO Requests $1 Billion in Emergency Supplemental Funding for Opioid Epidemic


ASTHO Requests $1 Billion in Emergency Supplemental Funding for Opioid Epidemic ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is requesting that the Administration and Congress provide $1 billion in ...

State and Local Health Officials at the Capitol to Urge Congress to Prioritize Funding for Public Health


State and Local Health Officials at the Capitol to Urge Congress to Prioritize Funding for Public Health ARLINGTON, VA—Over 80 state, local, and territorial health officials from across the country will meet with members of congress on ...

Summary of FY25 Senate Appropriations Bill


The Senate released its version of the FY25 LHHS appropriation bill on August 1, 2024, with significant changes in proposed public health funding than the House's proposed bill.