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Public Health Highlights of President’s FY22 Budget Proposal


In May 2021, President Biden released full details of the fiscal year 2022 budget. Overall, the budget request combines President Biden's American Jobs Plan, his American Families Plan, and funding priorities for the Pentagon and ...

What to Know About the American Rescue Plan


One of President Biden’s first actions just before being sworn into office was to draft up the American Rescue Plan, a sweeping proposal that ASTHO has committed to working with the Biden Administration on. The proposal offers a national ...

Helping Community Health Workers Excel in the Public Health Workforce


DELPH scholars discuss the important role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the public health workforce, the need for support, recognition, and investment in their development, and the importance of sustainable funding for CHW programs ...

Investing in Indiana’s Public Health Infrastructure Through Community-Driven Policy Change

Investing in Indiana’s Public Health Infrastructure Through Community-Driven Policy Change public health infrastructure, community driven policy, indiana state health commissioner, public health system, indiana department of health, ...

Update for Public Health Workforce About Federal Loan Forgiveness


In addition to the countless hours worked during the COVID-19 pandemic, many public health workers are also grappling with how to repay outstanding federal loans. In response, the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) recently announced ...

How State and Territorial Health Departments Can Navigate Recent Executive Actions


One of tools presidents have to implement and drive their strategy are executive actions. Executive orders and presidential memoranda carry the force of law and allow presidents to move quickly, deliver a clear message, organize the ...