Learn how CNMI and Palau successfully "planned to plan" in an effort to update and develop new public health plans—developing readiness assessments, team charters, and sequencing plans.
Charter Template and Guide Creating a charter is a worthwhile exercise when forming a workgroup, advisory group, or committee or putting together a new project. A charter provides guidance, aligns the project or team goals, and helps make ...
Inclusive practices that prioritize the safety and well-being of all residents, regardless of age or ability, are essential in ensuring effective disaster preparedness and response.
Organizational Strategic Planning Guide This organizational strategic planning guide, which details seven phases, can help health agencies create or refine strategic plans that are responsive to evolving needs. This guide provides health ...
This brief draws on health officials’ experiences in territories and Freely Associated States to illustrate opportunities to lead improvement efforts by building relationships, committing to data use, establishing regular communication, ...
U.S. Virgin Island’s Federal Grant Planning and Set Up Process Improvement ASTHO, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, u.s. virgin islands, grant management, federal grant planning, grant planning, workflow visibility, ...
Leading Health Security Efforts Through Strategic Collaboration and Innovation Margaret Nilz This blog post illustrates how health agencies' strategic plans can improve health security and emergency preparedness. Strategic planning is ...
Ohio Department of Health Using Partnerships to Improve Public Health Data and Emergency Preparedness Margaux Haviland Learn how Ohio leverages partnerships to promote data modernization and improve public health emergency preparedness. In ...
Leading a governmental health department is a complex job during the best of times, but particularly so during a pandemic when leaders must navigate every step carefully. In this episode, our guests introduce and discuss a concept called ...
On this episode, we speak with two public health veterans who led state health departments during times of public health uncertainty—like H1N1 and Ebola. Our guests discuss the lessons they learned during trying times, the advice they’d ...
ASTHO produced this guide to be applicable to state health departments seeking public health accreditation through Public Health Accreditation Board as well as to those developing a State Health Improvement Plan but are not seeking ...
ASTHO promotes State and Territorial public health agency Administrative Readiness (STAR) by providing high quality resources and opportunities to bolster capacity.
The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the consequences of decades of underfunding. To ensure we are better prepared for future pandemics and biological threats, we must consider the long-term investments required to bolster our public ...
The Pennsylvania Department of Health adapted its National Electronic Disease Surveillance System to allow providers to report STI treatment more efficiently.
Discover how a learning community helped health agencies align and improve their strategic planning processes in this article.
Branding Resource Guide for Health Departments A step-by-step guide for moving through the branding or rebranding process for health departments. ASTHO's Branding Resource Guide helps health departments as they embark on strategic ...
As states continue to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of crisis communications is vital. How can states provide the public with relevant, timely information? What are the essential elements of a crisis communications response?
This episode, the second of a two-part series, continues the conversation on moving from concept into practice, as well as how to apply ASTHO's three pillars for population health improvement to support clinical to community ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the landscape of we go about preparing and responding to public health threats. In collaboration with CDC, ASTHO embarked on an initiative to identify effective resources, policies, and model practices ...