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ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Public Health Workforce


Continuing ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus series—which highlights the top 10 public health policy issues for 2022—we are focusing this week on mental and behavioral health as well as supporting the public health workforce.

In Case You Missed It: 10 Headlines from ASTHO’s Public Health TechXpo


A quick rundown of sessions and speakers at the 2022 ASTHO Public Health TechXpo.

Framing Health in All Policies: Terms That Resonate

Health in All Policies can be a successful strategy to expand collaboration between state and territorial agencies and other partners, but the terminology used in programs focused on these efforts can differ. While equity is often a ...

Addressing Privacy Concerns of Using Mental Healthcare via Telehealth


In an effort to help meet demand, some states and territories have joined interjurisdictional licensing compacts that allow a mental healthcare provider licensed in one state to provide care in another state—without needing to gain ...

Supporting the Public Health Workforce with Trauma-Responsive Leadership Skills


This blog from ASTHO’s PH-HERO team touches on the importance of trauma-responsive leadership in the public health workforce.

Jurisdictions Seek to Modernize Vital Records Systems


State issued documents, such as birth certificates, are often required to navigate daily life. Vital records policy is a complex and evolving issue with many of the processes and procedures left to jurisdictional policy-makers.

Making the Connection Between Health in All Policies and State Health Improvement Plans

This report explores how the seven strategies for HiAP directly relate to the actions involved in developing State Health Improvement Plans, as both are collaborative by nature and seek to improve health and equity.