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ASTHO Launches National Campaign to Support Healthy Communities, Aligning with NACCHO and the U.S. Surgeon General


ASTHO Launches National Campaign to Support Healthy Communities, Aligning with NACCHO and the U.S. Surgeon General ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) announced this week the launch of a ...

ASTHO and PIHOA Praise Approval of Medicaid Funding Fix for U.S. Territories


ASTHO and PIHOA Praise Approval of Medicaid Funding Fix for U.S. Territories ARLINGTON, VA—This week, Congress approved legislation to extend Medicaid funding for two years for the U.S. territories in their fiscal year 2020 appropriations ...

ASTHO President States Third Year of Declining Life Expectancy is a “Wake-Up Call”


ASTHO President States Third Year of Declining Life Expectancy is a “Wake-Up Call” ARLINGTON, VA—Suicides and drug overdoses caused life expectancy in the United States to fall again in 2017. In what is the longest downward trend since ...