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ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Mental Health


Continuing ASTHO’s Legislative Prospectus series—which highlights the top 10 public health policy issues for 2022—this post focuses on mental and behavioral health, as well as supporting the public health workforce.

More States Consider Restricting Sale of Flavored Tobacco Products


A pressing public health issue before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the need for public health interventions to reduce tobacco use is heightened with a strong association between tobacco use, in all forms, with severe COVID-19 outcomes. ...

ASTHO/CDC Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Learning Collaborative: Lessons Learned from the Payers Cohort


This report highlights how a six-state "payers cohort," through the ASTHO/CDC Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention Learning Collaborative, convened cross-sector teams which included payer partners, local health agency staff, ...

Community Health Worker Certification by Jurisdiction


This brief examines the ways states can support certification for community health workers.

State/Territorial Policy Considerations for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences


ASTHO staff identified a range of evidence-supported policies considered by state legislatures that could prevent ACEs. This report synthesizes these research and policy proposals and is intended for public health practitioners and ...

Courts Considering Challenges to States Blocking School Mask Requirements


Recent state laws and governor emergency orders prohibiting universal school mask protocols are complicating the implementation of CDC’s evidence-based guidance for COVID-19 mitigation measures for in-person school. Ten states have enacted ...

Legislative Action Bridging Public Health and Clinical Healthcare


Three ways policymakers are addressing access to care are through telehealth, safety net and emergency services, and adjusted reimbursement rates to Medicaid-enrolled providers.

States Seek to Increase HPV Vaccine Coverage Through School Immunization Requirements


Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus that can lead to certain types of cancer later in life. Because of this, some policymakers are working to include the HPV vaccine in school entry immunization requirements to boost ...