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From Contact Tracing to Case Investigation to Exposure Notification: New Issue Guide Provides Insight into How Technologies May Assist and Still Need to be Tested in COVID-19 Response


On July 16, 2020, ASTHO announced the release of a COVID-19 issue guide that delves into the evolving role and function of technology in this pandemic response. Particularly as it relates to contact tracing, case investigation, and use of ...

Nation’s Public Health Leaders Urge President Trump to Use All Available Authorities to Quickly Produce Testing Supplies and Personal Protective Equipment


On April 9, 2020, ASTHO and partner organizations released a statement asking for the Trump administration's assistance in urging American manufacturers to prioritize the production of personal protective equipment and COVID-19 testing ...

Nation’s Health Officials Call for Greater Collaboration and Communication With Federal Government


On Sept. 2, 2020, ASTHO President and Secretary of Health for Pennsylvania released a statement urging greater collaboration between federal and state governments. This statement was a response to recent unexpected federal COVID-19 policy ...