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ASTHO’s Public Health Resolutions for 2021


Every year, ASTHO performs an annual environmental scan to identify these policy and programmatic priorities. The most recent scan occurred from June 2019 to May 2020. Through ongoing collection of data from a variety of sources—including ...

Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center: A Pandemic Lifeline


The COVID-19 pandemic presented an opportunity for an existing behavioral health resource—the Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center’s Crisis Hotline—to become a household name. During the pandemic, the hotline became a lifeline for a ...

ASTHO Responds to House Ways and Means Request for Information on Improving Access to Health Care in Rural and Underserved Areas

On Oct. 4, 2023, ASTHO responded to a Request for Information from the U.S. House of Representatives' Ways and Means Committee on the subject of improving access to healthcare and rural and underserved areas, including the island ...

Jurisdictions Moving Many ASTHO Essential Tobacco Control Policies Forward


Over the past several years, states and jurisdictions have continued to implement important policies to reduce tobacco and nicotine use, including increasing tobacco prices, expanding areas deemed “smoke-free,” limiting the sale of ...

Avoiding the Cliff: Financing Medicaid in the Territories

Medicaid plays a critical role in providing access to health services for low-income U.S. citizens in the five U.S. territories. However, Medicaid financing in the territories has been underfunded compared to states. In this episode, ...

Hearing the Hill


Hearing the Hill astho, association of state and territorial health officials, opioid crisis, covid-19 funds, public health, public health data and workforce, american rescue plan, promoting health, drug overdose death, coronavirus ...

Resilient, Accessible, and Affordable Healthcare: Bouncing Forward From COVID-19

COVID-19 has stressed the U.S. healthcare and public health systems and highlighted racial and ethnic disparities in pre-existing conditions and health outcomes. In this episode, our guests discuss how health officials can serve as chief ...

State, Territorial Health Policies Strengthening Emergency Preparedness Efforts


While COVID-19 is still present and ever-changing, public health professionals must also grapple with new challenges such as monkeypox, increasing firearm homicide, and widespread heat waves. In the wake of such emergencies, public health ...

A Blueprint for Establishing a Health Equity or Minority Health Office

A Blueprint for Establishing a Health Equity or Minority Health Office 30:38 minutes Learn how to form and manage an office of health equity or minority health, based on several firsthand experiences. Listen to the podcast episode now. ...

Sharing Island Stories on Health Equity: Setting the Stage for Equity in the Island Areas


In the spring of 2022, ASTHO’s island area members convened at the first island-focused COVID-19 Health Equity Action Institutes and asked each other what creating an equitable and sustainable public health and healthcare system looks like ...

Insular Areas Consider Variety of Public Health Related Legislation


Each year, ASTHO tracks and analyzes key legislation that impacts public health, and highlights the emerging trends for our members. While the bulk of the tracked legislation arises in state legislatures, ASTHO also follows legislation ...

Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention in the Pacific Territories


Heart Disease and Stroke Prevention in the Pacific Territories heart disease, stroke prevention, american heart month, cardiovascular health, chronic disease, pacific territories, environmental infrastructure, disease epidemic, tobacco ...

ASTHO Releases Five Health Policy Statements


On October 31, 2023 ASTHO announced the approval of one new and four updated health policy statements.

What December Means for a Beloved Nutrition Program


The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children is a targeted public health nutrition program designed to support nutrition and health behaviors that reach low-income families. The program is funded through ...

Overcoming Baked-In Inequities and Promoting Health Equity in the Island Areas


Many health equity frameworks have been built in the context of the states, as such, they do not always translate easily to the U.S. territories and freely associated states.

How State and Territorial Health Departments Can Navigate Recent Executive Actions


One of tools presidents have to implement and drive their strategy are executive actions. Executive orders and presidential memoranda carry the force of law and allow presidents to move quickly, deliver a clear message, organize the ...