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Boundary Spanning Leadership Model Strengthens Oklahoma Harm Reduction Programs

ASTHO engaged Oklahoma public health officials, members of the Oklahoma Harm Reduction Alliance, Health Minds Policy Initiative, and representatives of the Southern Plains Tribal Health Board, and others in a Boundary Spanning Leadership ...

The State of STDs


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are at a record high in the United States. In this episode, we hear state and national perspectives from leaders in the fight against STDs, discussing the resurgence and health impacts of STDs, proven ...

The Epidemic of Epidemics: Opioids, Part I

In the Public Health Review podcast debut, host Robert Johnson speaks with public health officials from Alaska, Kentucky, and West Virginia about the ongoing opioid epidemic in the U.S. and its intersections with other epidemics like ...

The Epidemic of Epidemics: Opioids, Part II

The second half of Public Health Review's story on the opioid epidemic explores how coalitions in Kentucky are driving prevention efforts, what public health practitioners in West Virginia are doing to identify and care for newborns ...