An American Public Health Physician in Honduras
ASTHO's Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge reflects on the state of public health in Honduras, after a recent trip with her medical students.
ASTHO's Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge reflects on the state of public health in Honduras, after a recent trip with her medical students.
Celebrating Black HER-STORY astho, association of state and territorial health officials, black history month, her stories, black history, african american women, president gerald ford, american life and history, frederick douglass, ...
ASTHO Celebrates Women’s History Through the Decades ASTHO, association of state and territorial health officials, public health infrastructure, vice president, population health, health science, health system, public health workers, ...
On April 4, 2024 ASTHO and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Office of Health Equity announced that they are launching an alliance designed to prioritize health equity during emergency responses.
This toolkit is designed to support public health leaders in leveraging the policy development process to achieve health equity in their jurisdiction.
Four DELPH participants answer the question, “Which is more important for leadership in health equity: to influence the community to follow the leader’s vision or to influence the community to follow their own vision?”
On May 8, 2023, ASTHO announced the organization's recognition as a Healthy People 2030 Champion by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion.
Closing remarks by ASTHO’s senior vice president of health initiatives, Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge, at the 2023 Health Equity Summit.
Let us make 2023 the year we commit even more to listening to and learning from each other and transforming how we interact with those around us in ways that truly impact state and territorial health agencies’ work of health promotion and ...
In this video Kimberlee Wyche Etheridge and Paula Tran discuss topics ranging from from community engagement to COVID-19 boosters and implementing health equity strategies within the Wisconsin Department of Public Health.
Strategies to Operationalize Health Equity in State and Territorial Health Departments article yes
An issue that public health wrestles with is how to combat racism as we would any other public health emergency. ASTHO’s board of directors has declared structural racism a public health emergency. And health equity is the number one ...
Utilizing diverse perspectives allows for public health leaders to better serve their communities through leadership development.
The contributions of African Americans, some doctors, scientists, public health officials, and others have changed the way we practice medicine and health care for more than 400 years. Because of barriers like structural racism, implicit ...