Building a Culture of Resilience - Public Health Learning Network
A collection of micro-learnings and resources for building and cultivating resilience at the community, organizational, and personal level.
A collection of micro-learnings and resources for building and cultivating resilience at the community, organizational, and personal level.
This assesses worker well-being across multiple spheres, such as quality of working life, personal life, and physical and mental health status.
This toolkit from the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice was designed to support in advocating for trauma-informed workplaces.
This podcast discusses investing in empathic behavior, for higher productivity, stronger workplace culture, and better organizational health.
This blog highlights the importance of workplace wellness committees, and outlines best practices for developing one.
Dr. Schenk's Lessons from the Public Health Frontline, addressing public health workforce, careers, mental health, wellbeing, and more.
An assessment tool from the NCBH to evaluate an individual’s skills as a supervisor (or their relationship with their supervisor).
Extensive list of resources for potential adaptation and use by public health entities to advance employee mental health and well-being.
A CDC website designed to promote emotional well-being related to stress, grief, and loss packed with resources.
Focusing individual worker’s perspectives, this Harvard Business Review article addresses moral injury and ways to prevent and cope with it.
This report from the Human Rights Campaign offers a foundation for supporting & respecting others with different marginalized identities.
This ASTHO blog speaks to leading by example, and gives 3 recommendations for leaders to consider in their daily work habits.
This SAMHSA toolkit will aid in learning more about how to support people in recovery & how to share this information with your audiences.
The Joy in Work Toolkit describes the 9 key components of the IHI’s Framework to support workplaces to ensure there is joy in work.
An ASTHO blog article about the importance of resiliency in the workplace, pertaining to leadership and organizational work environment.
Speaking of Psychology: Episode 152. Why we’re burned out and what to do about it, with Christina Maslach, PhD (APA podcast--transcript provided).
This framework provides an overview on public health workforce turnover during the pandemic and effective approaches for the mitigation.
This article in the Journal of Public Health Policy states the urgent need for attending to the well-being of the public health workforce.
This playlist from NCMW of brief training videos explores concepts of moral injury, trauma-informed resilience, and equity-focused approaches.
A Mental Health America page dedicated to providing mental health data and resources for Black, Indigenous, and People Of Color (BIPOC).