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ASTHO and NAMD Letter Urging Congress to Fully Fund Medicaid and CHIP in U.S. Territories


ASTHO and NAMD Letter Urging Congress to Fully Fund Medicaid and CHIP in U.S. Territories Dear Chair Wyden, Chair Rodgers, Ranking Member Crapo, and Ranking Member Pallone: Strong, sustainably funded Medicaid and Children's Health ...

Reflections From the Field: Pacific and Atlantic Jurisdictions Remain Resolute Amid Adversity


In the late fall of 2021, ASTHO leadership visited select jurisdictions in the Pacific and the Atlantic for the first time since COVID-19 curtailed travel to these regions. It was a fantastic to reconnect with our leadership and dedicated ...

Insular Areas Consider Variety of Public Health Related Legislation


Each year, ASTHO tracks and analyzes key legislation that impacts public health, and highlights the emerging trends for our members. While the bulk of the tracked legislation arises in state legislatures, ASTHO also follows legislation ...

ASTHO Addresses Insular Areas Health Equity Through Federal Engagement


As the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, ASTHO is committed to the T in our name. The health officials from the territories and freely-associated states are valued members and we are committed to advocating for the ...