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ASTHO President Nirav D. Shah Looks Ahead to 2022


Amid so much uncertainty, it might feel naïve to make any claims about what the future holds. But it is in these moments that it becomes more important than ever to have beacons to guide us and give us hope. As we look ahead to 2022, ...

Developing a Data Dashboard to Address Health Equity Concerns: Insights from Puerto Rico

Developing a Data Dashboard to Address Health Equity Concerns: Insights from Puerto Rico health equity, puerto rico, social determinants of health, population health, public health data, data collection, data databases, chronic disease, ...

BONUS: Fighting the Next COVID-19 Wave

This bonus episode is taken from a virtual news conference on Thursday, July 29, 2021. In it, Nirav Shah (Maine), Karyl Rattay (Delaware), and Joseph Kanter (Louisiana), discuss the latest issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic—mask ...

Health Service Utilization Patterns Among Medicaid Enrollees With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Implications for Pandemic Response and Recovery Efforts

This article in the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice assesses the impact of COVID-19 on health service utilization of adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities through an analysis of Medicaid claims data..

COVID-19’s Impact on Pregnancy and Childbirth Policies


Many states have introduced bills to strengthen and increase access to these prenatal, delivery, and postpartum services, building a solid foundation of care for women who must navigate the healthcare system and make difficult decisions ...

Using Lessons from the COVID-19 Response to Inform Telehealth Activities

Health providers have widely used telehealth to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 infection and to improve access to healthcare services thanks in large part to policy changes and regulations. This brief explores how state and territorial ...

Rural Health Perspectives: West Virginia and Montana Share Priorities


In recognition of Rural Health Day, which falls on Nov. 18, we spoke with Ayne Amjad (SHO-WV) and Maggie Cook-Shimanek (SHO-MT) about the importance of public health in rural areas.

States Explore the Relationship Between Partner Violence and Substance Use Disorders


October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, a critical moment to address intimate partner violence as a major public health threat. Intimate partner violence associated with substance use disorders and mental health challenges, and ...

Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, and COVID-19 Vaccines: Seven Things to Know


On Aug. 11, 2021, CDC updated its guidance on COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals. We’ve answered seven common questions about the new guidance and what it means for state and territorial health officials as they ...

Building a More Equitable Food and Nutritional Assistance System Post-Pandemic: Perspective From Feeding America


The need for food and nutritional assistance is growing. Based on Feeding America’s food insecurity projections released in March, it is anticipated that 42 million people may experience food insecurity this year—up from 35 million ...

How State and Territorial Health Departments Can Navigate Recent Executive Actions


One of tools presidents have to implement and drive their strategy are executive actions. Executive orders and presidential memoranda carry the force of law and allow presidents to move quickly, deliver a clear message, organize the ...

Education and Public Health: Supporting Youth Through COVID-19 and Beyond


Toxic stress contributes to a variety of negative outcomes for children. And unfortunately, COVID-19 has increased the likelihood of children experiencing childhood trauma, adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and toxic stress. States and ...

A Conversation With José Romero to Celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month


Hispanic Heritage Month takes place annually from September 15-October 15 to celebrate the history, culture, achievements, and influence of the Hispanic and Latinx community in the U.S. In recognition of this month, ASTHO interviewed one ...

The Importance of Addressing Breastfeeding Policies in Health Equity Work


This Health Policy Update is an overview of state legislative activity addressing access to and support for breastfeeding or lactation practices.

Why Routine Immunizations are a Must—Even During a Pandemic


Important everyday health services, including declines in immunization coverage, have been negatively impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic. One particularly troubling example is that coverage for childhood vaccines has gone down, leaving ...

Health Equity During COVID-19: Top Strategies for an Equity-Focused Recovery Strategy


COVID-19 has generated awareness of the importance of building community resiliency and brought about an influx of federal funding, which offers an opportunity to advance equity in prevention, social determinants of health, and healthcare.

Overcoming Baked-In Inequities and Promoting Health Equity in the Island Areas


Many health equity frameworks have been built in the context of the states, as such, they do not always translate easily to the U.S. territories and freely associated states.

Midterm Elections: Predictions on Congressional Priorities for Upcoming Session


Midterm Elections: Predictions on Congressional Priorities for Upcoming Session astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, opioid crisis, congressional priorities, sequestration cuts, healthy future task ...