How Emergency Preparedness Can Better Protect Children’s Health
Learn how health agencies are prioritizing children’s health as they develop public health emergency preparedness planning in this blog.
Learn how health agencies are prioritizing children’s health as they develop public health emergency preparedness planning in this blog.
Minnesota's Healthy Start Act is an example of the power of cross-sector collaboration to prevent adverse childhood experiences.
Framework for Communities to Prevent Youth Cannabis Use This resource provides evidence-informed strategies and resources to address the unique challenges posed by youth cannabis use. Over the last two decades, there have been significant ...
Every August, national, state, and local breastfeeding stakeholders celebrate National Breastfeeding Month by engaging each other and the public in conversations about changes needed to build a landscape of breastfeeding support. The 2021 ...
Researchers estimate more than 140,000 children in the United States experienced the death of a parent or grandparent caregiver between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The study highlights disturbing disparities in caregiver deaths by ...
Economic security and well-being, job stability, access to safe and affordable housing, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and access to resources to manage mental and physical health—all of these things impact individual, family, and ...
Four ways the Oregon Health Authority has benefited from aligning its opioid and accreditation-related efforts.
Interview with Pennsylvania Secretary of Health, Rachel Levine about how the commonwealth is working to increase access to healthcare in rural communities by working across agencies to support rural hospitals.
For more than a decade, rural hospitals have been closing (or are in danger of closure) at an alarming rate. As a result, states have used a variety of measures to address and prevent rural hospital closures, including tax incentives, ...
For many Americans, access to dental care remains out of reach, but there are a number of states pursuing strategies to improve access and oral health outcomes, such as primary care and dental care integration, workforce innovations, and ...
Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...
Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures continue the inequitable distribution of all ...
ASTHO CEO Michael Fraser, PhD, and Tracey Wareing Evans, President and CEO of APHSA, sit down to discuss building a foundational family well-being roadmap amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...
The digital divide in healthcare has created a growing division between communities who have access to digital health technologies and broadband versus those who experience limited access to these resources. Marginalized communities such ...
This four-part infographic series illustrates key strategies for addressing common challenges and barriers related to increasing access to contraception.
Public health officials are key in crafting policies and strategies that address the social determinants of health to advance health equity and improve population health.
How State Health Departments Can Reduce Stigma to Improve Care for Patients Taking Long-Term Opioid Therapy systemic stigma, opioid therapy, chronic pain, behavioral health conditions, prescription opioids, social identities, mental ...
Learn how California and Rhode Island are using health equity and environmental justice to enhance their public health responses to natural disasters and climate change.
Polysubstance Use During Pregnancy and the Benefits of Universal Verbal Screening polysubstance use, universal verbal screening, health equity, polysubstance use during pregnancy, public health, substance use disorder, health problems, ...