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Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 Pandemic on Youth

In October 2021, the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and Children’s Hospital Association declared a joint national state of emergency in children’s mental health. The declaration stated ...

Public Health’s Use of Digital Tools During COVID-19

In an effort to bolster COVID-19 response efforts, state and territorial health agencies looked to update or implement new digital tools and technologies. In response, ASTHO developed a COVID-19 Technology & Digital Tools Inventory to ...

Supporting Breastfeeding and Maternal Mental Health During the COVID-19 Pandemic

This ASTHOBrief discusses how breastfeeding acts as a protective factor for maternal mental health, negative impacts of COVID-19 on breastfeeding and maternal mental health, state actions to improve maternal mental healthcare and lactation ...

Environmental Health Innovations During the COVID-19 Pandemic

In 2021, ASTHO convened state environmental health directors and directors of public health preparedness to discuss innovations developed during the COVID-19 pandemic such as virtual inspections. This ASTHOBrief explores how state health ...

Addressing the Impact of Rural Hospital Closures on Maternal and Infant Health


Rural hospital closures exacerbate poor socioeconomic conditions, job loss, cost of health services, transportation times and barriers, and inequitable access to quality care, all of which contribute to unfavorable maternal and infant ...

Public Health Highlights of President’s FY22 Budget Proposal


In May 2021, President Biden released full details of the fiscal year 2022 budget. Overall, the budget request combines President Biden's American Jobs Plan, his American Families Plan, and funding priorities for the Pentagon and ...

The Impact of Broadband Redlining on Health Equity


Access to quality internet may not be the first thing you think of when you think about health equity, but it is something that impacts many communities. In this interview, ASTHO chats with Craig Settles on ‘broadband redlining’, how ...

Resiliency, Communication, and Partnerships: Insights From the de Beaumont Foundation


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the de Beaumont Foundation has worked closely with organizations like ASTHO to support and strengthen public health. The foundation has produced several publications and guides to support public health ...

States Address Pandemic-Linked Learning Loss Among Students With Disabilities


One of the major disruptions to daily life caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was the rapid shift from in-person K-12 education to virtual learning. While necessary for social distancing and slowing the spread of disease, there is a concern ...

ASTHO Specialist Program Makes Lasting Preparedness Improvements for People with Disabilities


ASTHO has been helping jurisdictions prepare for and respond to the needs of people with disabilities during public health emergencies by embedding disability preparedness specialists in 16 state and 2 territorial health agencies.

ASTHO and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing Address Public Health Workers


The executive leaders of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials and the National Council for Mental Wellbeing take a moment to collectively acknowledge the incredible efforts that public health workers have taken to ...

In Case You Missed It: 10 Headlines from ASTHO’s Public Health TechXpo


A quick rundown of sessions and speakers at the 2022 ASTHO Public Health TechXpo.

ASTHO’s Most Used Resources of 2021


ASTHO's mission is to support, equip, and advocate for state and territorial health officials in their work of advancing the public's health and well-being. To that end, here are the 12 most popular resources our members, partners, ...

Public Health Emergency Planning Toolkit

This ASTHO report, which was co-authored with the World Institute on Disabilities, answers top questions around disability preparedness initiatives, and prioritizes inclusive planning while providing overarching guidance that can be ...

Framing Health in All Policies: Terms That Resonate

Health in All Policies can be a successful strategy to expand collaboration between state and territorial agencies and other partners, but the terminology used in programs focused on these efforts can differ. While equity is often a ...

Partner Coordination Efforts to Strengthen Infection Prevention and Control Practices


This report highlights examples of health department partnership coordination strategies to enhance surveillance, increase resource and staffing capacity, and improve communication and collaboration in order to strengthen infection ...