COVID-19 has stressed the U.S. healthcare and public health systems and highlighted racial and ethnic disparities in pre-existing conditions and health outcomes. In this episode, our guests discuss how health officials can serve as chief ...
A year ago, it was unthinkable that we would have 600,000 cases and more than 17,000 deaths from COVID-19 in the state of Massachusetts. Many of us know someone who has become ill or has died from COVID-19 and the toll in suffering is ...
State Health Officials Strongly Encourage Influenza Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women ARLINGTON, VA—Jay Butler, MD, ASTHO president and chief medical officer for the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, released the following ...
A Blueprint for Establishing a Health Equity or Minority Health Office 30:38 minutes Learn how to form and manage an office of health equity or minority health, based on several firsthand experiences. Listen to the podcast episode now. ...
In this episode, our guests tell us how they put One Health into practice in a state health department, how health departments can connect across agencies to address One Health issues, and what falls under the One Health umbrella.
Anne Zink (Chief Medical Officer, Alaska Department of Health and Social Services) and Larry Lewis (licensed psychologist and executive coach) speak on the importance of celebrating “small wins”—tangible stories of progress that can ...
This episode explains what the Shared Risk and Protective Factors framework is, and how states and territories can collaborate with a broader range of partners to implement research-based programs, policies, practices, and strategies that ...
On this episode, speakers will address both issues and highlight the importance of public health agencies leading with and integrating equity in their COVID-19 response. We hear from three leaders managing their COVID-19 response by ...
In this episode, we will hear national and state perspectives on the prevention and containment of unusually resistant bacteria, which is a growing threat in the United States. Containing its spread through action when even a single case ...
Amid so much uncertainty, it might feel naïve to make any claims about what the future holds. But it is in these moments that it becomes more important than ever to have beacons to guide us and give us hope. As we look ahead to 2022, ...
On Dec. 10, 2020, ASTHO president and Pennsylvania secretary of health Rachel Levine, MD, testified about the COVID-19 vaccine before a Senate subcommittee.
Health Officials Intensify Zika Prevention Efforts ARLINGTON, VA—State and territorial health officials are redoubling prevention efforts to address the serious public health threats associated with Zika virus and to protect the health of ...
This bonus episode is taken from a virtual news conference on Thursday, July 29, 2021. In it, Nirav Shah (Maine), Karyl Rattay (Delaware), and Joseph Kanter (Louisiana), discuss the latest issues related to the COVID-19 pandemic—mask ...
Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs ARLINGTON, VA—John Wiesman, DrPH, MPH, secretary of health at the Washington State Department of Health and immediate past ...
Two key considerations for those working with state and territorial legislators considering vaccine legislation: work with trusted messengers and craft informative and compelling testimony.
Hispanic Heritage Month takes place annually from September 15-October 15 to celebrate the history, culture, achievements, and influence of the Hispanic and Latinx community in the U.S. In recognition of this month, ASTHO interviewed one ...
Tomás Aragón, MD, DrPH serves as the director of the California Department of Public Health and the State Public Health Officer. Aragón discusses how COVID has impacted the Latino community.
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a common virus that can lead to certain types of cancer later in life. Because of this, some policymakers are working to include the HPV vaccine in school entry immunization requirements to boost ...
As we celebrate the 25th anniversary of National Public Health Week, it is important to remember that COVID-19 represents such a threat to our collective health, and it requires our best work to mitigate it