As we celebrate National Rural Health Day this year, we are reminded of how important telehealth can be for public health and healthcare. Telehealth can minimize challenges faced by rural patients and communities—such as transportation, ...
On Dec. 3, the International Day of People with Disabilities commemorates disability rights and brings awareness to essential issues for those with disabilities by promoting the “well-being of persons with disabilities in all spheres of ...
Many states have introduced bills to strengthen and increase access to these prenatal, delivery, and postpartum services, building a solid foundation of care for women who must navigate the healthcare system and make difficult decisions ...
Tomás Aragón, MD, DrPH serves as the director of the California Department of Public Health and the State Public Health Officer. Aragón discusses how COVID has impacted the Latino community.
In commemoration of National Influenza Vaccination Week ASTHO is highlighting work in Arkansas and South Carolina, where unique collaborations with healthcare and public health have allowed them to effectively promote flu vaccinations ...
The findings detailed in this report were gathered during a series of School Behavioral Health Advisory Committee convenings in spring 2021. The goal was identify policy gaps and strategies for delivering behavioral health services in ...
Hispanic Heritage Month takes place annually from September 15-October 15 to celebrate the history, culture, achievements, and influence of the Hispanic and Latinx community in the U.S. In recognition of this month, ASTHO interviewed one ...
Three public health experts share how they prioritized vaccine equity for American Indian and Alaskan Native communities on the local, state, and national levels during the COVID-19 pandemic.
This episode dissects concerns at the southwest United States border, where health and governmental officials find themselves managing an extraordinarily complex situation: handling an increase in migration activity during a global ...