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Ending America's Maternal Mortality Crisis

Each year, nearly 700 women in the United States die from complications related to pregnancy or delivery. Three in five of these deaths can be prevented, but it involves a collaborative approach, including consistent care and cross-sector ...

Chief Health Strategists: How Public Health Leaders Can Be Successful Working Across the Health Landscape, Part I

This episode is the first in a two-part series that will explore how the concept of chief health strategist is defined, how it works, and how public health leaders can rethink their approach to be more effective in their communities.

States Serving Up Healthy Eating Policies


States have identified different strategies to implement healthy eating approaches and reduce obesity at the school and community levels, as well as through food labeling at grocery stores and food markets.

Jurisdictions Using Policy to Address Unique Island Area Health Challenges


ASTHO has several members from the territories and Freely Associated States—jurisdictions with unique challenges, and do not fall under the category of a state or federal district. This post is a brief look at some of the public health ...

Home Visiting Reauthorization: The First Trimester


The Maternal, Infant, Early Childhood Home Visiting program, which provides visiting services to parents with young children, is up for Congressional reauthorization. This post explores the importance of the program and why it should be ...

Some Early Childhood Development Programs Stalled, Others Flourished During Pandemic


ASTHO interviewed two state health agencies (SHAs), two nonprofit partners, and one university partner that were heavily invested in state early childhood development policy about how their programs fared during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Equity Will Come Standard at ASTHO


An issue that public health wrestles with is how to combat racism as we would any other public health emergency. ASTHO’s board of directors has declared structural racism a public health emergency. And health equity is the number one ...

ASTHO President Nirav D. Shah Looks Ahead to 2022


Amid so much uncertainty, it might feel naïve to make any claims about what the future holds. But it is in these moments that it becomes more important than ever to have beacons to guide us and give us hope. As we look ahead to 2022, ...

Utilizing Doula Care to Support Substance Use Disorder in the Postpartum Period

Support from postpartum doulas can can increase parental self-efficacy and adherence to treatment for those experiencing SUD, leading to lower rates of postpartum depression and, subsequently, improved health outcomes.

Reproductive Health Services Expanded During Pandemic but Inequities Persist


When the COVID-19 pandemic began the need for greater access to virtual reproductive healthcare services increased dramatically. Telehealth increased access to providers, eased workflows and infection protection for clinical staff, and ...

Leveraging the HHS emPOWER Program to Enhance Power Outage Planning

The emPOWER program provides federal data, mapping, and artificial intelligence tools, as well as training and resources, to help communities nationwide protect the health of at-risk Medicare beneficiaries who live independently and rely ...

Fairfax County Health Department Modernizes Infrastructure to Optimize Public Health Data Sharing

Fairfax County Health Department Modernizes Infrastructure to Optimize Public Health Data Sharing Susan Fluerant, Reema Mistry, Christina Severin Learn how the Fairfax County Health Department in Virginia is working to modernize its data ...

Tobacco Use in King County Washington: A Medicaid Data Analysis Report

Tobacco Use in King County Washington: A Medicaid Data Analysis Report ASTHO Staff, King County Staff, University of Washington Staff Washington state provides an excellent model for integrating Medicaid data to address tobacco use. ...