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Building Bridges to Better Health the ASTHO Way


“Building Bridges to Better Health,” the theme for the 2021 National Public Health Week. ASTHO is committed to building and maintaining the partnerships and connections needed to achieve our shared vision of state and territorial health ...

Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs


Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs ARLINGTON, VA—John Wiesman, DrPH, MPH, secretary of health at the Washington State Department of Health and immediate past ...

ASTHO Executive Director Michael Fraser Responds to the Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill


ASTHO Executive Director Michael Fraser Responds to the Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill ARLINGTON, VA—“While millions of Americans may experience changes in their insurance coverage as part of the Affordable Care Act “repeal and ...