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How States Are Housing the Homeless During a Pandemic


Policymakers seek to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by focusing on non-congregate sheltering and alternative housing for unhoused populations.

Massachusetts Sees Encouraging Decline in Overdose Deaths


Interview with Monica Bharel, MD, MPH, commissioner of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health, about how the state is reducing overdose deaths in underserved populations, training medical students on preventing and managing ...

The State of STDs


Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are at a record high in the United States. In this episode, we hear state and national perspectives from leaders in the fight against STDs, discussing the resurgence and health impacts of STDs, proven ...

Public Health Frameworks to Advance Healthy Aging

This ASTHOBrief highlights healthy aging frameworks by AARP and Trust for America's Health that include health promotion, injury prevention, and chronic disease management along with another domain that emphasizes facilitation of ...

Improving Youth Behavioral Health Through School-Based Strategies


This infographic highlights 10 high-level strategies to advance work in school behavioral health.

How Emergency Preparedness Can Better Protect Children’s Health


Learn how health agencies are prioritizing children’s health as they develop public health emergency preparedness planning in this blog.

Preparing for and Responding to Infectious Disease Threats Following Hurricanes


Following a hurricane, the risk of exposure to infectious disease increases due, in part, to the presence of floodwater and debris. Hurricanes may contribute to population displacement and overcrowding—further heightening risk factors for ...

State, Territorial, and Freely Associated State Health Agencies National Report 2022

The Suicide, Overdose, Adverse Childhood Experiences Prevention Capacity Assessment Tool (SPACECAT) compiled a national report and accompanying infographic, that break down the biggest findings from the data, and highlight the biggest ...

Community Action Plan Templates for Children’s Environmental Health

Community Action Plan Templates for Children’s Environmental Health Environmental Health Community Action Plan Templates Health agencies can use these community action plan templates to bolster their children’s environmental health ...

Promoting Mental Well-Being in a Post-Pandemic World


Although suicide was a critical public health issue in the U.S. long before the COVID-19 pandemic began, Americans are now reporting increased mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, and suicidal behaviors. In addition, millions ...

Inclusive Contracting: Successes to Advance Breastfeeding Equity


Though now an illegal practice, government contracts, policies, and practices have generally excluded women, and Black, Indigenous, and people of color. Still, practices and existing structures continue the inequitable distribution of all ...

The Children COVID-19 Left Behind: A Public Health Call to Action


Researchers estimate more than 140,000 children in the United States experienced the death of a parent or grandparent caregiver between April 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021. The study highlights disturbing disparities in caregiver deaths by ...

Building a More Equitable Economy Post-Pandemic


Economic security and well-being, job stability, access to safe and affordable housing, access to healthy and nutritious foods, and access to resources to manage mental and physical health—all of these things impact individual, family, and ...

Increasing Access to Contraception: Infographic Series

This four-part infographic series illustrates key strategies for addressing common challenges and barriers related to increasing access to contraception.

Recent Federal Actions Spur Changes to Children's Blood Lead Level Screenings and Response


The COVID-19 pandemic introduced new challenges for screening children’s blood lead levels, as screening rates across the country dropped during stay-at-home orders. A substantive federal policy change and provisions in the Infrastructure ...

7 Things to Know About Recent Federal Actions and Opportunities to Improve Maternal Health


While the Biden Administration and Congress have no shortage of immediate health issues to focus on, improving maternal health outcomes—particularly Black maternal morbidity and mortality—have become a priority for federal lawmakers. To ...

Addressing the Youth Mental Health and Loneliness Crises Through Social Connection in Schools


This post examines the youth mental health and loneliness crises and shares guidance for how public health agencies can work alongside schools to address these crises through social connection.

University of Washington’s PEARLS Model Reduces Depression Among Older Adults


Lesley Steinman and Mark Snowden of the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center discuss the PEARLS program and how it is being used to confront the stigma associated with depression and mental health.

Responding to Disruptions in Access to Opioid Prescriptions: A Guide for State Health Departments and Their Partners

This ASTHOReport builds on a 2020 document and reflects the current state and federal landscape regarding disruptions, shares updated recommendations on strategies states might use to mitigate risks to patients affected by a disruption, ...