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The Importance of Public Health Surveillance in Responding to Overdoses

This episode discusses why there needs to be a comprehensive response in public health surveillance, in particular around the opioid epidemic. After all, without thorough data, it’s tough for lawmakers to drive action that will reduce the ...

Integrating Environmental Justice and Health Equity into Statewide Climate Planning

Learn how California and Rhode Island are using health equity and environmental justice to enhance their public health responses to natural disasters and climate change.

ASTHO's 2024 Legislative Session Update: Part Two


ASTHO's 2024 Legislative Session Update: Part Two Beth Giambrone, Maggie Davis, Christina Severin ASTHO's Public Health Legislative Update on Tobacco, Mental Health, Environmental Health, Workforce, and Containing Infectious ...

Infant Mental Health Policies Critical for Long-Term Well-Being


Federal and state legislation can play a role in promoting positive infant mental health by providing funding and policies that support early intervention, caregiver assistance, and the creation of nurturing environments conducive to their ...

From the Chief Medical Officer: How State Health Officials Can Make a Stand Against Menthol


Tobacco control has been a public health success in states across the nation, but there is still work to be done, especially surrounding the popularity of menthol and other types of flavored tobacco.

States Support Postpartum Health with Medicaid Expansions


States Support Postpartum Health with Medicaid Expansions astho, association of state and territorial health officials, 2023 state legislative session, medicaid expansions, postpartum health, the consolidated appropriations act, national ...

Expanding Pharmacist-Prescribed HIV PrEP


PrEP is a powerful tool to reduce new HIV infections; expanding access to PrEP is a priority within the federal Ending the HIV Epidemic in the U.S. initiative. One way to increase access to PrEP is by allowing pharmacists to prescribe and ...

The Impact of COVID-19 Telehealth Flexibilities on Maternity Care

This brief focuses on how telehealth expansion during the COVID-19 pandemic has increased access to care for pregnant and postpartum women, and made maternal and child health care services like doulas and midwives more accessible.

ASTHO Launches National Campaign to Support Healthy Communities, Aligning with NACCHO and the U.S. Surgeon General


ASTHO Launches National Campaign to Support Healthy Communities, Aligning with NACCHO and the U.S. Surgeon General ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) announced this week the launch of a ...

Opportunities for Public Health Agencies to Advance Sustainable Financing of Community Health Worker Programs


Opportunities for Public Health Agencies to Advance Sustainable Financing of Community Health Worker Programs Advancing Sustainable Financing of Community Health Workers Explore how health officials can play key roles as funders, ...

State Strategies for Advancing Viral Hepatitis Elimination


State Strategies for Advancing Viral Hepatitis Elimination astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health officials, state health officials, territorial health officials, state health department, population ...

Telehealth and Licensure Policies Improving Healthcare Access for Rural Communities


Recent legislation at both the state and federal levels has significantly affected the ability of healthcare providers to serve patients virtually and across state lines.

COVID-19 Pandemic Underscores Need for Tobacco Control Policies


The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified the need for strong tobacco prevention and cessation policies. Research indicates that tobacco use is associated with increased rate of COVID-19 disease progression and increased likelihood of ...

Comprehensive Addiction Treatment in Rhode Island's Correctional Facilities Yields Dramatic Drop in Overdose Deaths


Interview with Gina M. Raimondo, former governor of Rhode Island, to learn more about a Rhode Island Department of Corrections initiative that helps prevent and treat addiction among incarcerated individuals and other statewide efforts to ...

State/Territorial Policy Considerations for Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences


ASTHO staff identified a range of evidence-supported policies considered by state legislatures that could prevent ACEs. This report synthesizes these research and policy proposals and is intended for public health practitioners and ...

2023 Legislative Session Update: Part Two


A mid-session legislative update on five of ASTHO's top 10 public health state policy issues to watch in 2023: data privacy and modernization, reproductive health, health equity, strengthening public health agencies, and immunization.

States Serving Up Healthy Eating Policies


States have identified different strategies to implement healthy eating approaches and reduce obesity at the school and community levels, as well as through food labeling at grocery stores and food markets.

How States are Handling School Vaccination Requirements in a Pandemic


Conditioning school attendance on student vaccinations is an evidence-based way of maintaining and increasing vaccine coverage. State law establishes school vaccination requirements which apply not only to public schools but often to ...

Engaging Communities Is a Critical Tobacco Control Strategy

Engaging Communities Is a Critical Tobacco Control Strategy Community Engagement Tobacco Control, Menthol Cigarette Disparities, Tobacco Control Learning Collaborative, Culturally Tailored Tobacco Interventions, Flavored Tobacco Product ...