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Legal Considerations for Scaling Monkeypox Vaccination Efforts


Public health officials from all levels of government are working to respond to the existing outbreak of monkeypox, while preparing for the potential of more widespread transmission.

ASTHO Policy Watch 2022: Maintaining Public Health’s Legal Authority to Prevent Disease Spread


States and territories have broad powers to protect public health and safety, including powers to prevent and control the spread of communicable disease typically exercised by state and territorial health departments. This authority is an ...

Shifting Legal Landscape of Public Health and Places of Worship


Reconciling the tension between public health and civil liberties is one of the most significant challenges of public health law and ethics. The Supreme Court of the United States historically upheld state authority to enact and enforce ...

Health Policy Tackles Joint Challenges of Pandemic and Natural Disaster Preparedness


Each September marks National Preparedness Month. This year, public health emergency preparedness professionals look back on 20 years since the 9/11 attacks—the event that effectively launched the preparedness field—while actively ...

The Legal Framework for Administering COVID-19 Vaccines


Anticipating a rapid deployment of COVID-19 vaccines as they are authorized, the CDC developed COVID-19 Vaccination Program Operational Guidance in collaboration with state and local jurisdictions to outline how each jurisdiction will make ...

Responding to Disruptions in Access to Opioid Prescriptions: A Guide for State Health Departments and Their Partners

This ASTHOReport builds on a 2020 document and reflects the current state and federal landscape regarding disruptions, shares updated recommendations on strategies states might use to mitigate risks to patients affected by a disruption, ...

Accessible Community Design to Support Physical Activity and Outdoor Recreation for People of All Ages and Abilities


Community design strategies that increase the availability of safe and accessible outdoor spaces create more physical activity opportunities for people of all abilities.

States Consider Role of COVID-19 Vaccination for School Enrollment


This week might have marked the beginning of summer, but many policymakers and health officials have their eye on the upcoming school year and what that might mean in terms of getting students vaccinated against COVID-19. According to a ...

COVID-19 Pandemic Underscores Need for Tobacco Control Policies


The COVID-19 pandemic has further amplified the need for strong tobacco prevention and cessation policies. Research indicates that tobacco use is associated with increased rate of COVID-19 disease progression and increased likelihood of ...

State Actions on COVID-19 Vaccine Verification


As the number of COVID-19 vaccinations grows, some states are looking at their vaccination rates to determine when to loosen measures that mitigate the spread of COVID-19, such as venue capacity limits, business closure times, and masking ...

Measles Outbreaks and School Exclusions: Public Health’s Authority to Protect Children and Stop the Spread of Disease


States can use strategies like school vaccination requirements to help combat the spread of communicable diseases that have robust availability of a highly effective vaccine, such as measles.

Long COVID Causes Health Policy Shifts Across States


Data reveals that nearly one third of COVID-19 patients experience one or more post-COVID conditions that linger for weeks or months after infection. The cause, duration, and potential treatments for these conditions are still being ...

2023 Legislative Session Update: Part Two


A mid-session legislative update on five of ASTHO's top 10 public health state policy issues to watch in 2023: data privacy and modernization, reproductive health, health equity, strengthening public health agencies, and immunization.

Scarce Medical Resources Caused by COVID-19 Lead to Difficult Allocation Decisions


As the Delta variant spreads across the country and increases the number of COVID-19 cases, the strain it is placing on the nation’s health system continues to grow. The surge of COVID-19 patients is contributing to a shortage of the ...

How States are Preparing for Opioid Settlement Funds


The opioid crisis continues to claim the lives of thousands across the United States and has cost the economy billions in health care, mortality, and criminal justice costs. In 2018, it’s estimated that 67,367 people died of overdose, with ...

Policy Options to Improve Data Sharing Between State and Local Health Departments

Policy Options to Improve Data Sharing Between State and Local Health Departments Organizational policies on data sharing between state and local public health agencies. This report explores organizational policies related to data sharing ...

How State and Territorial Health Departments Can Navigate Recent Executive Actions


One of tools presidents have to implement and drive their strategy are executive actions. Executive orders and presidential memoranda carry the force of law and allow presidents to move quickly, deliver a clear message, organize the ...