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ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years


ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years ARLINGTON, VA—Today, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Chief Medical Officer ...

State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects


State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects ARLINGTON, VA—In response to a new CDC report on the impact the Zika virus may have ...

Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak


Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is concerned about the latest ...

Summary of FY24 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill


Congress released FY24 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.

State Health Officials Strongly Encourage Influenza Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women


State Health Officials Strongly Encourage Influenza Vaccinations Among Pregnant Women ARLINGTON, VA—Jay Butler, MD, ASTHO president and chief medical officer for the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, released the following ...

Nation’s Health Officials Call for Greater Collaboration and Communication With Federal Government


On Sept. 2, 2020, ASTHO President and Secretary of Health for Pennsylvania released a statement urging greater collaboration between federal and state governments. This statement was a response to recent unexpected federal COVID-19 policy ...

As July Fourth Approaches, Nation’s Physicians and Public Health Officials Urge All Americans to Take Precautions to Help Prevent Further Spread of COVID-19


As July 4, 2020 approaches, physicians and health officials across the country are urging Americans to practice social distancing, wear masks, and generally remember to follow COVID-safe procedures to help stem the spread of the virus.

Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs


Current Measles Outbreaks Should Alarm Every American and Highlight the Critical Importance of Vaccination Programs ARLINGTON, VA—John Wiesman, DrPH, MPH, secretary of health at the Washington State Department of Health and immediate past ...

Health Officials Intensify Zika Prevention Efforts


Health Officials Intensify Zika Prevention Efforts ARLINGTON, VA—State and territorial health officials are redoubling prevention efforts to address the serious public health threats associated with Zika virus and to protect the health of ...