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Readout of CDC/ASTHO/CSTE/APHL Call Regarding Avian Influenza Preparedness


Readout of CDC/ASTHO/CSTE/APHL Call Regarding Avian Influenza Preparedness ARLINGTON, VA—On Friday, Nirav D. Shah, CDC’s Principal Deputy Director, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, Director of CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory ...

Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies


Health Officials Seek Sustained Investments to Protect Moms and Babies ARLINGTON, VA—Health officials say a new CDC study on Zika-associated birth defects is a stark reminder that emerging infectious diseases constitute a persistent threat ...

Behind the PSA: Making the #MaskUp Campaign


In August 2020, the Big Cities Health Coalition and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials released a co-produced public service announcement to support public education in our members’ communities. The call to action in ...

State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects


State and Territorial Health Officials Respond to New CDC Report That Finds Zika Infection During Any Trimester Can Lead to Severe Birth Defects ARLINGTON, VA—In response to a new CDC report on the impact the Zika virus may have ...

The Public Health Workforce in the COVID-19 Era: Survey Results Characterize their Work, Needs, Roles, and Satisfaction


On Aug. 3, 2022, ASTHO and the de Beaumont Foundation announced the 2021 PH WINS findings. They provide a unique snapshot of the state and local government public health workforce.

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years


ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years ARLINGTON, VA—Today, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Chief Medical Officer ...

Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak


Health Officials Alarmed by Declining U.S. Vaccination Rates, Country Could Face Scenario Like Europe's Measles Outbreak ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) is concerned about the latest ...

Celebrating 80 Years of ASTHO


In honor of ASTHO’s 80th anniversary, a leadership panel—including CEO Michael Fraser, President Anne Zink, Past President Nirav Shah, and Idaho Commissioner of Health Elke Shaw-Tulloch—discusses the unique role ASTHO plays in the public ...