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Resiliency, Communication, and Partnerships: Insights From the de Beaumont Foundation


Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the de Beaumont Foundation has worked closely with organizations like ASTHO to support and strengthen public health. The foundation has produced several publications and guides to support public health ...

A Public Health Milestone: COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A With Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security


A discussion with Meredith Allen, ASTHO’s Vice President for Health Security, about how the first shipments of the COVID-19 vaccinations have been a major turning point for the pandemic and a milestone moment for U.S. public health ...

Who Are the Vaccinators? A Look at the Vaccination Workforce


As the U.S. continues to undertake the largest vaccination campaign in almost a century, it has required government at all levels to surge workforce capacity. The federal government, states, territories, and local jurisdictions are acting ...

ASTHO Helping Agencies and Providers Advance Vaccine Equity


ASTHO Helping Agencies and Providers Advance Vaccine Equity vaccine equity toolkit, community-based vaccine outreach, public health vaccine partnerships, increasing vaccine confidence, vaccine equity strategies, vaccination rates, ...

Public Health in 2020: The Year That Was

On this episode, we ask public health experts to zoom out a bit and reflect on a truly remarkable year. These public health leaders discuss the politicization of public health mitigation efforts, becoming the target of hateful attacks, and ...

FDA’s Approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine: Five Things to Know


On Aug. 23, 2021, the FDA announced full approval of Pfizer and BioNTech’s mRNA vaccine for COVID-19. ASTHO has answers to five key questions about the approval and what it means for state and territorial health officials: What does the ...

Emphasizing Seasonal Flu Vaccination Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic


Each year the U.S. battles seasonal influenza, leaving millions of people sick, hospitalized, or worse. As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, it is crucial for all eligible individuals to receive a flu vaccine to help reduce the likelihood ...

An Unprecedented Public Health Thank You Day


If there is any word to describe 2020 it is “unprecedented,” with the work of health agencies front and center since COVID-19 emerged in the U.S. But as we approach Public Health Thank You Day and the Thanksgiving season, ASTHO wants to ...

Courts Consider Whether State Vaccination Laws Must Include a Religious Exemption


During the 2022 state legislative sessions, at least 20 states considered bills that would require a religious exemption to a vaccine requirement. As state legislatures continue considering vaccine protocols for COVID-19, HPV, and other ...

Preparing for and Responding to Infectious Disease Threats Following Hurricanes


Following a hurricane, the risk of exposure to infectious disease increases due, in part, to the presence of floodwater and debris. Hurricanes may contribute to population displacement and overcrowding—further heightening risk factors for ...

States Use Data Visualization Tools to Address Health Concerns


Geographic Information Systems and other data visualization tools have become integral parts of public health decision-making workflows and provide crucial support to topic areas such as environmental health, the COVID-19 pandemic ...

Expanding Vaccination Site Accessibility: Insights From the Field

ASTHO placed 14 disability and preparedness specialists in health agencies to support inclusivity of people living with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. In this brief, three of these specialists share their experiences ...

Getting Ahead of the COVID-19 Vaccine


Scientists are working quickly to develop a safe and effective vaccine to provide immunity to COVID-19. Once a vaccine is approved, it will likely be imperative for states to authorize as many health care professionals to administer it, ...

ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years


ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, Comments on COVID-19 Vaccine Approval for Children Ages Six Months to Five Years ARLINGTON, VA—Today, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) Chief Medical Officer ...

The Legal Framework for Administering COVID-19 Vaccines


Anticipating a rapid deployment of COVID-19 vaccines as they are authorized, the CDC developed COVID-19 Vaccination Program Operational Guidance in collaboration with state and local jurisdictions to outline how each jurisdiction will make ...

BONUS: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy with AM Trace

On this bonus episode, Jim Ivey, chief operating officer at Chexout, discusses the importance of interoperability and makes the case that public health organizations need to invest in software that will adapt to their changing needs in ...