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Public Health Infrastructure Proposals Gain Steam in Congress


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the consequences of decades of underfunding. To ensure we are better prepared for future pandemics and biological threats, we must consider the long-term investments required to bolster our public ...

Investing in Indiana’s Public Health Infrastructure Through Community-Driven Policy Change

Investing in Indiana’s Public Health Infrastructure Through Community-Driven Policy Change public health infrastructure, community driven policy, indiana state health commissioner, public health system, indiana department of health, ...

Factoring Housing Into Federal and State Policies to Improve Community Health


Housing and overall neighborhood conditions significantly influence a community’s health. Housing quality, stability, and affordability also directly impact an individual’s opportunity and ability to be healthy. There are several policies ...

How the U.S. Virgin Islands is Improving Federal Grants Management


How the U.S. Virgin Islands is Improving Federal Grants Management astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, grant programs, grant management, overall health, health system, improving health, social ...

Using Your Braiding and Layering Funding to Address Food Insecurity


Food insecurity is a pervasive barrier to the health and well-being of many differing vulnerable populations in the United States, including minority populations and rural communities.

ASTHO Urges Increased Investment to Address Growing Obesity Epidemic


ASTHO Urges Increased Investment to Address Growing Obesity Epidemic ARLINGTON, VA—Obesity rates in the United States are on the rise, according to new reports from CDC and Trust for America’s Health. The number of states ...

Public Health Infrastructure Partners Launch National Implementation Center Program to Support Data Modernization 


CDC-funded program will accelerate data exchange between healthcare and public health to drive timely, data-informed public health action

Cross Sector Collaborations: Addressing Health Inequities in Access to Care Through Public Health and Transportation Partnerships

These states are connecting public health and transportation to improve access to healthcare—learn how in this report.

Scarce Medical Resources Caused by COVID-19 Lead to Difficult Allocation Decisions


As the Delta variant spreads across the country and increases the number of COVID-19 cases, the strain it is placing on the nation’s health system continues to grow. The surge of COVID-19 patients is contributing to a shortage of the ...

Harnessing the Power of Rural: Expanding Access to Telehealth


As we celebrate National Rural Health Day this year, we are reminded of how important telehealth can be for public health and healthcare. Telehealth can minimize challenges faced by rural patients and communities—such as transportation, ...

The Seven Biggest Public Health Policy Issues on the Hill in 2020


As a truly historic year comes to an end, many public health policy issues received a considerable amount of attention in 2020. Subjects such as the pandemic that will live on in infamy, racial health disparities, and the future of the ...

The Epidemic of Epidemics: Opioids, Part II

The second half of Public Health Review's story on the opioid epidemic explores how coalitions in Kentucky are driving prevention efforts, what public health practitioners in West Virginia are doing to identify and care for newborns ...

Connecting Health and Transportation to Improve Access to Care


Learn how state health and transportation agencies are partnering to improve physical access to healthcare.

Midterm Elections: Predictions on Congressional Priorities for Upcoming Session


Midterm Elections: Predictions on Congressional Priorities for Upcoming Session astho, association of state and territorial health officials, public health, opioid crisis, congressional priorities, sequestration cuts, healthy future task ...

How State and Territorial Health Departments Can Navigate Recent Executive Actions


One of tools presidents have to implement and drive their strategy are executive actions. Executive orders and presidential memoranda carry the force of law and allow presidents to move quickly, deliver a clear message, organize the ...