While governments have faced challenges in adopting a Health in All Policies (HiAP) approach to respond to COVID-19, the impact of the public health emergency across sectors such as housing, transportation, and employment has created a ...
Housing and overall neighborhood conditions significantly influence a community’s health. Housing quality, stability, and affordability also directly impact an individual’s opportunity and ability to be healthy. There are several policies ...
The disparities experienced during the COVID pandemic have brought a national focus to health equity in our nation. The attention and resources currently being provided to help address health inequities provide an opportunity that I have ...
Discover why community health workers are crucial for health equity and require sustained investment in this episode of Public Health Review.
In this episode, three experts discuss the Federal Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality’s most recent report on American Indian and Alaska Native health outcomes and the data-focused recommendations for states and ...
This webinar discusses state and community-level interventions to bridge the digital divide in healthcare and improve access to digital services for marginalized communities. The panel of expert speakers emphasized the importance of ...
ASTHO Launches National Campaign to Support Healthy Communities, Aligning with NACCHO and the U.S. Surgeon General ARLINGTON, VA—The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) announced this week the launch of a ...
COVID-19 has stressed the U.S. healthcare and public health systems and highlighted racial and ethnic disparities in pre-existing conditions and health outcomes. In this episode, our guests discuss how health officials can serve as chief ...
ASTHO and the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA) have partnered to support the transformation of the child welfare system through a prevention-first model. In this episode, ASTHO’s CEO Michael Fraser, along with APHSA’s CEO ...
This episode highlights ASTHO’s President’s Challenge, “Building Health and Resilient Communities,” which is a multi-year campaign that calls on state, territorial, local, and tribal health officials to align strategic investments and ...
ASTHO staff identified a range of evidence-supported policies considered by state legislatures that could prevent ACEs. This report synthesizes these research and policy proposals and is intended for public health practitioners and ...
Impacting Social Determinants of Health Through Managed Care Contracts astho, association of state and territorial health officials, state health, public health, public health officials, territorial health, social determinants of health, ...
In January 2024, ASTHO sent a letter to President Biden asking for the administration's support in adopting and implementing a federal rule to prohibit the sale of menthol flavored combustible cigarettes.
What Surrounds Us Shapes Our Health caregiver stress, traumatic childhood experiences, secondary prevention, tertiary prevention, child abuse, physical health, supporting services, healthier neighborhoods, mental health, primary ...
ASTHO, with support from CDC, launched the first cohort of the Linking Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System and Clinical Outcomes Data Multi-Jurisdiction Learning Community in October 2021. This brief examines themes that emerged ...
ASTHO has been exploring how using GIS and data visualization tools can improve traditional public health work. This brief shares several expert use cases for visualizing and integrating environmental health and electronic health ...
During the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine hesitancy has increased because of misinformation and disinformation spreading across social and traditional media platforms, targeting vulnerable and underserved communities, and further stalling ...
What public health problem are you attempting to address and how can telehealth technology help you do it? This resource helps state and territorial health agencies assess, define, plan, and implement new telehealth programs.
A Framework for Linking PRAMS with Administrative Data ASTHO, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, prams frameworks, prams data, PRAMS, administrative data, data linkages, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system ...
Federal Discussions on Aging Move Center Stage Catherine Jones Reviewing the latest federal discussions on healthy aging policies. As the November elections approach, aging remains a key topic for the candidates themselves as well as for ...