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Using Data and Effective Messaging to Support Strong Vaccine Policy


States have largely dismissed weakening policies, but legislatures are likely to continue considering vaccine-related bills, which may allow public health leaders to work collaboratively toward improving vaccination rates and bolster the ...

Domestic Holiday Travel Pandemic Restrictions and Recommendations


The 2020 holiday season is coinciding with a nationwide surge of COVID-19 cases. With great concern that holiday travel to see loved ones may exacerbate community spread of the virus, many states are increasing public health measures ...

Disability and Crisis Standards of Care in the Age of COVID-19

With Omicron surges pushing jurisdictions to activate protocols for providing healthcare during crisis, it is important to incorporate disability inclusion into these crisis standards of care.

State Policy Actions to Support Long-Term Care Facilities During COVID-19 Response


As COVID-19 emerged and spread in the U.S., people working and residing in long-term care facilities have experienced a significant burden of COVID-19 cases and deaths. As of Oct. 8, deaths associated with these facilities account for 40% ...

Public Health Emergency Planning Toolkit

This ASTHO report, which was co-authored with the World Institute on Disabilities, answers top questions around disability preparedness initiatives, and prioritizes inclusive planning while providing overarching guidance that can be ...

Preparing for and Responding to Infectious Disease Threats Following Hurricanes


Following a hurricane, the risk of exposure to infectious disease increases due, in part, to the presence of floodwater and debris. Hurricanes may contribute to population displacement and overcrowding—further heightening risk factors for ...

Preparedness Policy Highlights for Trending Public Health Threats


While communities transition from emergency response to long-term monitoring and recovery, the federal government and states are taking legislative action to improve emergency preparedness capabilities.

How Washington State Leverages Data to Improve Emergency Preparedness


How Washington State Leverages Data to Improve Emergency Preparedness Erin Laird Learn how Washington State has created a robust system for distributing public health and medical supplies during emergencies. When an emergency strikes, ...

Embedded: Meeting Needs for Disability-Inclusive Emergency Preparedness in South Carolina


The Embedded specialist in South Carolina used an ASTHO tool to assist the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control improve inclusivity of people living with disabilities in their public health programs.

Lessons From the Trenches: Leading During a Public Health Crisis

On this episode, we speak with two public health veterans who led state health departments during times of public health uncertainty—like H1N1 and Ebola. Our guests discuss the lessons they learned during trying times, the advice they’d ...

Health Policy Tackles Joint Challenges of Pandemic and Natural Disaster Preparedness


Each September marks National Preparedness Month. This year, public health emergency preparedness professionals look back on 20 years since the 9/11 attacks—the event that effectively launched the preparedness field—while actively ...

Pharmacies Are Critical to Pandemic Planning, Not Just Response


Pharmacies have long been instrumental partners in providing lifesaving vaccines nationwide. As state and territorial health officials evaluate their COVID-19 response, planners must include input from the pharmacy community when ...

Prepping for Dual Disasters of COVID and Extreme Weather Events


2020 has been a year of unprecedented events, and the past few months have already shown that they do not exist in a vacuum. While the country continues to respond and cope with the COVID-19 pandemic, many extreme weather events have ...

The Historic Opportunity COVID-19 Presents to Address Health Equity


The disparities experienced during the COVID pandemic have brought a national focus to health equity in our nation. The attention and resources currently being provided to help address health inequities provide an opportunity that I have ...

COVID-19 in the Pacific: What We’ve Learned and Where We’re Going

The U.S. Affiliated Pacific Islands mounted a unique response to the COVID-19 pandemic as it started to sweep the globe. We discuss that approach and its successes with some of the region’s experts.