From the Chief Medical Officer: Key Takeaways from ASTHO’s HPAI Scientific Symposium hpai scientific symposium, highly pathogenic avian influenza, one health, public health, state and local public health officials, wild birds, human ...
An issue brief by ASTHO and the Duke University Margolis Center for Health Policy that highlights considerations for state health officials as they look to maximize the benefits of COVID-19 therapeutics.
The Tobacco Control Network, an ASTHO peer network, celebrates the 25th anniversary of its successful work supporting state and territorial tobacco control programs in their common pursuit of working towards a nation free from the health ...
On Aug. 11, 2022, ASTHO's Chief Medical Officer issued a statement of support for CDC's new COVID-19 guidelines.
The recent mass shootings in Buffalo, Uvalde, and elsewhere across the country, have drawn renewed attention to firearm violence as a major public health issue in our nation. It’s a particularly important issue to consider during Men’s ...
State health agencies are equipped with the data, scientific evidence, and policy options that are needed to protect young people from the harms associated with e-cigarette use and nicotine addiction.
The newly-released second edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans is timely - its emphasis on the significant increase in documented health benefits of physical activity dovetails nicely with commitments to new years ...
ASTHO is closely following the current respiratory disease clusters associated with vaping. This post is an overview of what ASTHO currently knows about the present situation and anticipated future action.
To help reverse upward trends in heart disease, CDC has called on state and territorial health departments to continue work in tobacco and obesity prevention, the dominant behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
It seems fitting for Valentine’s Day to occur during American Heart Month, a national health observance that reminds Americans to focus on their hearts.
On Jan. 23, 2018 the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine the first report to systematically address a number of important scientific and health questions that have emerged as use of electronic cigarettes has become ...
In 2021, ASTHO conducted an online survey with state and territorial health agency staff requesting information on current activities related to climate change and health, the state of climate and health programming, and anticipated needs ...
Braiding and layering funding allows state health departments to leverage diverse fundings sources and amplify their impact. Learn more about this strategy and its importance.
The refrain from the popular Police song “Don’t Stand So Close to Me” takes on new meaning in the current era of COVID-19 infection and control. Remember to isolate, quarantine, and social distance.
The rise of seriously ill COVID-19 patients is a reminder of the primary role that public health departments play in responding to any outbreak: preventing community-wide transmission of disease.
Over the years evidence has expanded on community health workers (CHWs) improving outcomes and even reducing disparities in heart disease and many other public health priority areas. However, their presence in state and local public health ...
From the Chief Medical Officer: Preventing Respiratory Disease Spread with Less Authority, More Influence ASTHO, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, respiratory disease, disease spread, cdc public health, public health, ...
From the Chief Medical Officer: Public Health Approaches to Healthy Aging and Brain Health ASTHO, association of state and territorial health officials, healthy brain initiative, department of medicaid, astho technical packages, health ...
On August 9, 2022, ASTHO Chief Medical Officer Marcus Plescia, MD, MPH, released a statement on the declaration of monkeypox as a national public health emergency.